Thursday, July 31, 2008, 15:32
aaaah! i changed my skin yesterday and the stupid links don't even work. at first i thought it was the
thingy that was the problem, leaving not enough space for the thing, so i deleted all the stupid
thing. for those who don't have a blog,
means that the next thing will appear on the next line. probably break? then i saved the changes and then not all of it appears when i click on the stupid links thingy!!!!! this is maddening. but it's odd, the credits appear on the same page and it takes up more space than my bunch of links, but it all appears and my links don't. then i tried to look for the numbers which signify like how wide and how long, but there aren't any at all. frustrating. i might have to change another blogskin, which is hardly worth changing to this one at all. ;-/

Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 11:14
we had chinese chapel yesterday. no, your eyes aren't screwed. but it was boring. cause the pastor didnt' really deliver his sermon in chinese. it was mostly in english. but the songs were in chinese, but it was only like, three songs. BORING. anyway, i have to agree with shu hui's sentiments. parents sometimes (not always) don't see your side of being the argument. or minor tussle. i mean, they're sometimes always seeing it from their point and not understanding why we did the things that we did. understand? comprehend? input into the brain? perhaps we should start understanding the grown-ups. and the grown-ups should understand us.

Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:12
sat through a very boring history lesson. okay, only boring to me cause i've read the chapter like, what, ten times? maybe that's an exaggeration though. the chapter's religion. and there i was listening to mrs ong blab on about Islam. and she mentioned that the sight of them all walking so religiously around the Kaabah in Mecca was so wonerful. and i thought poor misguided souls. i mean, they save up for a lifetime just to go on the pilgrimage to Mecca. wow. a show of faith. i wonder if we Christians can show just as much faith, even though it is very simple, just believe in Jesus Christ. there isn't even anything we can't eat or a set number of times we have to pray. or perhaps i'm dumbing it down for myself.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 10:57
listening to a very choppy rendition of bei pan by aska yang. it's choppy cause the com pauses to load the video. it's sometimes quite irritating as the library com loads very slowly...glad we got to skip physics and some LA this morning because of the founder's day rehearsal.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 10:58
CRAP i can't seem to get the stupid song to autoplay though i already clicked on autoplay, then copy pasted the entire thing into my template. HELL, looks like i need a tutor babysitting me...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 14:56
ok, so godtube doesn't have the embed code. never mind, i shall have to do it tomorrow then. ;( ok, i should be glad i can at least DO it at school...

, 14:41
ok, so i tried to upload a song. and it didn't work, cause i forgot to click on the autoplay button. and i just tried imeem again on the school comlab com but it just said that imeem was banned cause of video streaming. and youtube was banned too, but godtube wasn't banned. perhaps godtube will have the embed code i need. i hope. so if it doesn't then i'll just have to try again on the library com tomorrow. so funny, they banned youtube and imeem in the comlab but not in the library. nonono, if any teachers are reading this npw please don't ban it in the library. sigh...kinda late for that.

, 11:26
here goes, i shall try to upload songs into my blog.

Monday, July 14, 2008, 10:54
hell, then. my bloody links page doesn't work atall. last night after i saved the template changes it put error on page and my dad said that it was updating. then i just tried and the damned thing wouldn't load. **** it. insert your own profanity. it had better work when i try it later, maybe today or tomorrow. or could it be my blogskin? ah hell, recess is ending. that stupid chem class took up such a long time and it ate up half of my recess. damn it, i'm bored, and i need a nap very badly.

Sunday, July 13, 2008, 21:01
NOW i'm seriously techno hyped. i managed to add people to my link list! ok,i am odd. ok? happy all the ka onn haters out there? frankly, if any ka onn haters are out there, and if i know you hate me, i probably hate you too. aargh, struggling with thoughts of revenge against a certain people, and some of my classmates will know who they are. thoughts of revenge get a kick on the ass and punch to the head of they venture near to the inner workings of my moderately sized cranium. ie, my head/brain. and here ends this post as my dad is nagging to hurry up and go pack my bag and take that 'counter-the-sniffles' medicine my mum left in the kitchen. the cold/flu medicine. sigh. let's hope i get over it soon, without infecting my classmates.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 16:05
today i just realised that a talent i thought i had has just disappeared, or else i never had it in the first damn place. i think it was probably the latter, but i don't like to think about it. ;(. so the talent i thought i had was debate. well, there's no questioning my love(for the nit-pickers, it's on the serious side of like) for debate. not that i like anyone in the debate club anyway. but anyway, i just realised that i'm good at speaking. not debating. today i was the second speaker by chance. cause the second speaker Shakti lost her voice. and the other back-up Sun Young reportedly didn't come to school cause of a MC. So. it was just me left. tiny, puny, inexperienced me. hmm. and what i can just about slap myself for was that i fumbled with my messily, impromptu written notes for 4 full seconds cause i couldn't find the rebuttal i wrote down just now to counter the point that something had said. it said people might get influenced by the gay community around them, and also that part of the sanctity of marriage was that people would transmit life and sire offspring. i forgot to say that reproduction was not the main point of marriage and what are we females, sows bred for reproduction? and also that my geog teacher has a gay on her list of best friends, and she's happily married, with two sons. HELL. i think forgetting about getting into the school team will be the priority for me. for now. i mean, but it's sad to give up debate. i hold one man debates with myself whenever i'm free, if i'm alone then i say it out loud, then if i'm not i don't. SIGH. ;(

Friday, July 4, 2008, 14:50
hmm, looks like my oh-so-lovely-turning-into-not-so-nice dad intends to make me suffer while waiting for him to lift the ban...never mind, he's still quite nice overall as a dad. anyway then, i REEEAALLY hope he hurries up and decides that he's satisfied with my behaviour...and also for that mrs chong to hurry up and return me my book. seems quite odd, i'm always thinking that adults are always telling children and teens(i.e., ME) to hurry up and finish doing whatever they're doing. but now i'm telling them to hurry up! heehee...a case of turning the tables around.:D

Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 10:33
i have just been cold bloodedly murdered by mr oh-so-lovely dad last wednesday. no, your not speaking to a ghost or a spectre. i'm well and kicking, thank you very much. he imposed on me The Ultimate Ban last wed: no borrowing of library books. cause my book got confiscated by the geog teacher last week, and oh hell she hasn't returned it. now i can only read the papers, and reread those i have at home. cause the ban extends to all friemds who want to lend me books, and also to people borrowing books for me. in effect: murdering me.