![]() Thursday, August 28, 2008, 14:34
i was thinking of Lemon when i wrote this.Harsh voice sounds Slicing through the air Finger wagging Here and there Striding through the room Heralding doom "Extremely lazy!" Accusing unjustly Students all Cowering in fear Of that mocking jeer well? ah well. leave comments on the tagboard. i wrote it in Lemon's class. don't ask me whether i was paying attention. this short poem took me all of 4 minutes to write. , 14:16
something happened day before yesterday which really pissed me off. let me name the characters: me. one of my classmates, Gillian. she sits next to me. and the last and most hated character......someone. i can't name this person for the fear that she will find out, so her codename is Lemon(hint hint she's as sour as one). now Lemon is playing this Oral CD in class and she says to listen, and she thinks the order is in good, better best, so listen more carefully towards the end. and towards the end, at the second last one, i put up my hand and ask her, are we supposed to learn from this? and she says you're supposed to learn from all of them. and then she brings out her trump card: if you aren't interested, Ka Onn, you can leave the classroom, and she extends a hand to the door. so i'm like what the hell got her doing that?! and then she says after the class Ka Onn and Gillian come here with your science-pad. so i go there with my foolscap and she says bring a pen. my classmate offers me one from her front row seat so i take it. and Lemon says, write down what you said to me just now. so i write down, "are we supposed to learn from this?' and she says, i thought there was a anything before the learn. and i say no, and Gillian says no too. then she gets Gillian to sign as a witnesss, and she gets me to sign. then she takes the paper away. and what pisses me off is her, Lemon. and, horrors abound, i see her everyday in school. so i think most of my friends can understand her role in my life, which is quite big lah, unfortunately. at first i thought Tomato would be easier to remember for her codename but then i like tomatoes a lot, and i don't like Lemon. not at all. i don't care what happens to her. i can't say anything stronger cause she might read it and book me, or something like that. crappy having something like that in my life right? i can't even give her a title of someone here. and i never will. and i'm not editing this post.More Tests
Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 10:34
ah no...i wish God didn't invent tests. i just got back my physics test just now and although the results aren't that bad, they leave much more to be desired. 24/30. not that bad to get me chewed up anyway. but then my parents stopped chewing me up sometime ago. :) good for me. something happened yesterday that made me realise how much i miss playing table-tennis. yesterday when i was passing by the table-tennis court at home i noticed it was my neighbour's nephews there and i stopped to look. she invited me in and i realised how long it had been since i stepped onto a table-tennis court, since June last year. and of course i had to quit because of my spine.i have congenital scoliosis which is an in-born curvature of the spine. you know the vertebrae of the spine are rectagular normally right? well, one of mone is triangular. so the next rectangular piece just fused to it. you can imagine what happens, the spine naturally tilts. haha(sarcastic one there.) so of course i can't play anymore cause it's a one-sided sport and it'll tilt the spine even more. frustrating right???? and finally my mum understands cause she had to stop tennis for a while cause her knee was overused and something went wrong with the cartilage. and she plays like, 4/5/6 times a week so you can imagine how crazy she is. i miss table-tennis....and of course sucky old MGS doesn't have table-tennis as a CCA. and i used to be on the school team for doubles, so all you people out there don't say you can't imagine me playing table-tennis.Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 11:13
i have become a bittergourd! hehe, metaphorically, of course. but then again i have my reasons.1. i have to see the ugly face of someone i don't like at all today. thank goodness i was spared yesterday when she was absent...but i'm not saying where i first met her. it might just well be a classmate... 2. the e-learning thing that we had last friday and thursday didn't work out very well cause the chinese bit went wrong for me. the com only loaded the first compre passage for me and when i clicked on the next page icon, all i got was the same old page. so i thought i'd finished the entire thing and i clicked submit. then there was a pop-up saying that the test had been successfully submitted. so i clicked okay and signed out of LEAD. LEAD is the e-learning portal that we have now in MGS. we had Asknlearn in RGPS and nothing went wrong with that.. i think Asknlearn is better than LEAD, honestly. then just now in chinese class the teacher asked me why i didn't do the chinese stuff on LEAD. then i said i did, and she showed the entire class the test scores she printed out from LEAD and mine wasn't there. so i explained it to her after class and asked whether she was going to put it into our CA3 marks. and she said she might. aahhh, so if she puts it in then i and another girl, Jingyun, won't have any marks at all. and there's a third reason. 3. i got 4/15 for the geog test on Rocks. the rocks test was simply just something on earthquakes. and it's not fair, i started studying for the test the week before it...it's frustrating. and demoralising, not to add. so i spent the free period after geog writing emo poems and chunks of text. so maybe i'm a lazy emo pig then. :( and thus concludes this post. sigh. ;( Ode to a Father
Friday, August 8, 2008, 11:04
today is dad's birthday. and if you are reading this, dad, please read on. i think we shouldn't take things that we have for granted. i realised that when i saw the video they played for National Day, about the tsunami and the Singapore forces that went to help. and i remembered that i met this guy, one or two years older than me, at my mum's school. and he said he'd lost his father in the tsunami. and i was wondering how he was so calm about it, stating that so matter-of-factly. it's a shocking statement yet he says it without any emotions getting in the way. and i've been very privileged to have a father overlooking what i do. i wonder what it was like for mine to have not seen his father since he was three, only with his mother there, and his four sisters and one brother. i think mine's doing very nicely, someone that doesn't mind my Heimlich hugs and numerous kisses. ah well, i think i should wrap up this post. Happy birthday, dad! you're three years older than Singapore! :), 11:02
the alignment went wrong with my old elephant skin. so i changed to this one. then the links don't all show up. before this monster one, i tried the old skin again, cause i saved a copy of it on my thumbdrive. then it didn't work though. ;(Monday, August 4, 2008, 10:51
![]() ![]() ![]() hehes! i am not an official dimwit! cheered by the recent chem test results, i post this: written test 10/12. practical test 9.5/10! hehes again. now i feel like this: that's Mr. Happy from the Little Men series. cute huh? but then i'm like this: oh dear, the Mr. Grumpy image failed to load. never mind, it's cause i have to face a particularly ugly teacher. never mind, i can look forward to IT lesson! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Official Broadcast
Friday, August 1, 2008, 10:37
to the people reading this post, you are the few people who know this now. it means you're privileged, not cursed. hehe. yeah, right. the purpose of this official broadcast is to say that i am officially a dummy/idiot/absolute dimwit. haha. for real? dunno. the occasion that prompted me to make this broadcast was the giving out of the chinese common test papers, the test that we took on wednesday. and yes, i failed. wonder who else in the damned class would fail two out of three common tests spread over the length of three terms. that's it. 33.5/70. how absolutely pathetic/lamentable/useless. yes, you didn't see the last word wrongly. i believe that most people my age are absolutely useless, to people(ie, grownups) at least. damn. isn't there anything i can do right?! this is absolutely miserable. a very simple way to sum up this post is this : ;-/ nice and simple right? oh, and i forgot how to spell privileged. i had to go on dictionary.com to fin out. idiotic aren't i? |
Unfortunately, About
has moved on quite a bit and does not blog anymore thank you for dropping by bold italics underline Wishes For...
World peace To be less fat To write better To play the piano better To lose weight... To be able to sing well To be able to play more instruments To do better in studying... Wanted Books
1. Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 2. Pinball, 1973 by Murakami 3. A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami 4. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End Of The World by Murakami 6. Dance Dance Dance by Murakami 7. South of the Border, West of the Sun by Murakami 8. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Murakami 9. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami 13.The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami 14. after the quake by Murakami 15. 1Q84 by Murakami 16. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult 17. A Conspiracy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 18.Jack by a.m.homes 19. The End Of Alice by a.m.homes 20. In A Country of Mothers by a.m.homes 21. Music For Torching by a.m.homes 22. this book will save your life by a.m.homes 23. The Safety of Objects by a.m.homes 24. Things You Should Know by a.m.homes 25. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb 27. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 28. The Rules of Attraction by Ellis 29. American Psycho by Ellis 31. Glamorama by Ellis 32. Lunar Park by Ellis 33. Imperial Bedrooms by Ellis 34. Rashomon by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa 35. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill 36. Out by Natsuo Kirino 37. Real World by Natsuo Kirino 39. What Remains by Natsuo Kirino 40 - 56. the rest of Kirino's books which haven't been translated 57. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong (in alphabetical order) 58. A Walking Tour of the Shambles by Neil Gaiman 59. Adventures in the Dream Trade by Gaiman 60. American Gods by Gaiman 61. Anansi Boys by Gaiman 62. Angels and Visitations by Gaiman 63. Coraline by Gaiman 64. Day of the Dead by Gaiman 65. Don't Panic by Gaiman 66. Fragile Things by Gaiman 67. Good Omens by Gaiman 68. Interworld by Gaiman 69. Mirrormask by Gaiman 70. Neverwhere by Gaiman 71. Now We Are Sick by Gaiman 72. Smoke and Mirrors by Gaiman 73. Stardust by Gaiman 74. The Absolute Death by Gaiman 75. The Sandman: Book of Dreams by Gaiman 76. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen 77. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 78. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton 80. The Cross Gardener by Jason F. Wright 81. A History of Love by Nicole Krauss 82. At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill 83. The Road by Cormac McCarthy 84. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 85. The Colossus and Other Poems by Plath 86. Ariel by Plath 87. Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices by Plath 88. Crossing the Water by Plath 89. Winter Trees by Plath 90. The Collected Poems by Plath 91. Selected Poems by Plath 92. Plath: Poems 93. Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 by Plath 94. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts 95. The Journals of Sylvia Plath 96. The Magic Mirror, Plath's Smith College senior thesis 97. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil 98. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 99. An Artist of the Floating World by Ishiguro 101. The Unconsoled by Ishiguro 102. When We Were Orphans by Ishiguro 104. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong 105. Anything and everything by James Baldwin There are more. Time does not allow for me to put them up. ...
I believe that every human is inherently good. Therefore every human should be treated equally. I will henceforth try to treat everyone without bias. Everyone should be free to believe in what they want. If feelings rule our emotions, then why let hate do so? I think that all the chaos in our world results from All the unresolved tension, mistrust and hate we store. I think love is the solution. So don't tell me that you think love is wrong. As long as it's well meaning, and doesn't harm I advocate it. So for that reason I think gay love is right too. I think another source of hate Is misunderstandings and stereotypes. I find it hard to see past people's appearances sometimes. But it doesn't mean that I don't try. I think that if we let go of all All, of our past misconceptions and labels We could finally try to live together, All as members of one human race. Doorways Without Doors
HannahHilarie Lydia Mirabel Siow Ching Stephanie Xuan Rake up the Past
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