![]() Reflections
Thursday, October 30, 2008, 17:51
I just got back from the primary school Christian day camp. I was a student group leader, so don't ask why I was at a primary school one. My group's called Haggai. It's a book of the Bible. And there's this autistic girl in my group, Alicia. Actually, I didn't know she was autistic at first. After I observed her for ten minutes, I came to the conclusion that she was autistic. She started shouting "Can we watch Happy Feet?" halfway through the sermon cause the speaker was talking about the story of Happy Feet. She's a little difficult to handle. Thank goodness her mother came to help out. If not, I'd have gone mad. But I learnt to handle her, soon enough. Today, after lunch and craft in the library(we made bookmarks), her mother was talking with some lady in the library. When I made to leave the library, I suddenly heard: "Leader, can you wait for me?" Alicia. So of course I said yes. We walked back to the chapel, with her chattering along on the way, and me inserting appropriate "yes"s, "u-huh"s and "yeah, that' interesting!" at intervals. I wasn't listening. The day was about tiring me out. We got to the chapel and put our things down. I sat in the pew and leaned my head back against the back of the chair. I was ready to take a nap for fifteen minutes till everyone came back. Then, again came that voice: "Can my Leader go down with me?" Mrs Chua, the camp commandant, came over and asked "Can you go with her?" So I dragged myself out of the chair and said: "Yes, I shall." She thanked me for taking care of her. We went down to the area outside the Heritage Room where the snacks were. I stopped to let some younger primaries pass and I lost Alicia. After I collected my snack, I went around the entire area, circling around again and again, trying to find Alicia. Some people asked me: "Why're you searching for her? you don't need to." but I felt I was responsible for her. All the rest of my group I know they can take care of themselves, but I didn't know about Alicia. I found her safe(thanks God!)sitting on the steps of the concourse, eating custard pies and drinking chrysanthemum tea. The rest of the group knows about her but they're kinda mean. They shout at her. Like during rehearsal, we were discussing stuff in the Control Room of the chapel, and Alicia was busy shooing away all the people who stood outside the window. Halfway through she started saying loudly something about God giving us power to defeat our enemies, the other groups, at this play. She wouldn't stop talking about it. And she wouldn't stop saying that she wanted to play with the controls. So I as the leader had to dissuade her. And the group people wouldn't stop saying mean stuff and shouting at her. I'm really tired. I don't feel like going back and confronting yet another day with handling Alicia, spending another day doing headcounts every five minutes, dealing with another day telling the group to stop shouting at Alicia, the stress of being a group leader, being a good role model, which means no swearing in front of the little kiddies. I haven't slipped up yet. And many people know the extent of my language....I'm tired. Just one more day. Just one more day.Peace, perhaps?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 20:09
You know, everyone always says stuff like: "Make a wish! If you wish had enough it will come true." all that crap, you know? Well, at birthday parties or when people tell me to make a wish, i turn it into a prayer. I say: "Lord, I know that you're all powerful. Please make world peace. But if you can't because some people don't want to co-operate and you don't want to force everyone to believe in you, I'll understand, Lord." I've wished for this since I was K2. I know, since I was six. sounds like a long time huh? What sparked it off was the September 11 terrorist attacks on WTC by al-qaeda(Look, I don't even put caps for them! WHOO! DIE YOU TERRORISTS!) when I realised that the world wasn't all peaceful. For me, it was a kind of milestone. A thought maturity milestone. I realised the world wasn't all about me, going to kindergarten and my parents, playing with my friends and God in Sunday school and everyone else I knew. I was really innocent. I mean, at six, who the hell isn't that innocent??? PLEASE. So I started praying for world peace. Actually, I think it'll never happen. Sure! Call me a pessimist if you prefer. But when I mean world peace, I mean the entire world stops arguing and fighting and bombing and killing and all that violence. Maybe I'm being contradictory, brcause I'm violent myself! But still, I think it's not possible. I have a very good imagination. And this is one of it's products: scientists discover a way to program people's minds. A way that the entire brain is like a HTML code, you know? When you change a blogskin, then you see the HTML code right? The human brain is like that then. The different elements are labelled, Anger Fear Sadness and the diff emotions. The violence and the memories are coded too. God takes out everythingout of our brains, and he programs happy stuff in, the good things only. He takes away everything else, the sadness and fear and biasedness and anger and everything unsavoury. Then he programs us to believe in him and we get a whole new set of memories, stuff that gurantees we'll go to heaven and have the eternal life he promised us, and not rot in hell, even if we're atheists or of another religion now. He'll save everyone. Everyone. No one is left out, even if in this life we're terrible sinners. Everyone included. And it's free. Well, that's a whole load off my mind. If you think it's a lot, it's what's been clogging up my mind the entire day. Carefully formed, I present to God and you, whoever's reading this, my plans for world peace!!!! TA-DAAA!!! Right, as if that's ever going to be possible. Or come true. World peace, huh? I doubt it., 16:03
Well, I just came out of this Christian camp for MGS primaries that I've been a student leader for. there are twelve groups, and they're named after the different groups in the Bible. Mine is Group Twelve, Haggai. And I discovered one thing: small kids(Primaries) have the ability to lift up your mood. From the moment I stepped into the chapel the entire place was as quiet as a cemetery. And I took out my book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and started to read. Then Becks(My fellow group leader, of another group. Her real name is Rebecca.) came along and she said: looking forwards to leading? NO! Why? Because I'm not the normal sociable person. I'm a social idiot. I prefer being by myself than being with people. We continued chatting till most of the people were here, with their parents bringing them in. Then I thought: here goes! I shall have to learn all the names of the people in my group. So I just wrote all the names of the people in my group on my hand from the attendance list tacked up on the wall. Then I went over to this little girl in an Olson shirt, and asked her what her name was, and I said that i was Ka Onn, the group leader. Her name is Elizabeth. And she just started talking, like this is my crab Crabby. Crabby has the words Chilli crab under his shell, and he holds chilli in his left pincer. Then she asked questions like do you like pets, or have any? She has a dog named Curly. She drew it for me. And we exchanged phone numbers. Later when it was snack time, we sat together and started talking. I showed her my teddy bear named September. We played with Crabby and September. Crabby attacked September, brought him back to his lair and wanted to have spicy steamed bear. So I made Superman fly down and capture September. But Crabby hung onto September and so we dueled. Or rather, I came up with plans to kill Crabby and rescue September, and she'd come up with plans to combat the plan of mine. Another girl, Darienne, watched us play. We let her be the nurse when September went into the hospital. IAT snack time, she skipped off to play with her friend Gillian. I was still eating the bread we were given and I watched her and looked at the sky. Then it was really peaceful.Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 13:05
I just got back from torture. This torture, unfortunately, is part of this crappy school's after-examination-program. This torture came in the form of aerobics. And we didn't even know that we had aerobics, nor that we had to bring our PE T-shirt. But enough about the ugly side of the day. On to the bright side! This morning we had Chinese Appreciation. And there was a performance put up by the CLDDS, Chinese something society. It's a CCA. And here's my favourite part: the teachers announced that we're having a Calligraphy and Chinese painting CCA next year! But I currently have two CCAs, Debate and SALT(Servants At the Lord's Task). But I am willing to drop both just to join Calligraphy. I'm a calligraphy nut.Monday, October 20, 2008, 13:33
Today we had inline skating as sports education! (I'm extremely high so forgive me if you think I should be locked up for hyper-ness.) And (NONONO I'm not about to rave (unlike bimbotic/bitchy girls) that the coaches are hot or anything like that. They're NOT. NOTNOTNOT.) oh, so they started by saying those who can skate come to one side and those who can't go to the other. And because I can skate, I went to one side. They got us guards(bloody guards, they itched like siao and made me scratch like crazy) and gave us blades. And they put cones on the basketball court. So we had to skate around it anti-clockwise. Everyone was going so damned SLOW so I just went faster and overtookall of them. And the trainer gave me ABEC 3 blades, and the taller people ABEC 5 blades. And I was faster than them. Plenty of people fell down at the turnings, and I didn't trip over them. I just weaved around them. No, I'm not some pro. There is one weakness. I can't brake using the brake at the back of the right blade. I use turning to brake and stop. It took me quite a while just to get to brake the right way and do it the way the coach said to. Unfortunately, we plain, ordinary humans can't be perfect...Sunday, October 19, 2008, 21:42
Well, I unfortuntely I can't murder Lemon. I'd be tried as a teenager of course, but then I can't 'ruin my future', nor can I become the 'black sheep of the family'. It's all the crap you find on those silly Channel 8 soap operas that go on forever, those stupid tear-jerkers. So I have to admit that the previous post was rather rash, and reckless. If Lemon ever gets to that, I'm so dead. (HELP MEEEE...)(please). So I have to state that I can't kill her. A pity isn't it? Then the world would be rid of a hideous creature, in her mid-forties(a rough estimate) with no man wanting her(MWAHAHA, I'M SADISTIC), and alos all her future students would be spared. If there was a rebel like me, God help them if they come under her. Hopefully I can contain myself and not murder her with my pen-knife. My classmates will have to restrain me, God help them, I can do serious harm although I don't take martial arts lessons because of my strength. So the main point of this post is simply to say that I won't be murdering Lemon. If you ever see or hear of the glorious news that Lemon is dead...I AM INNOCENT! I DIDNT' DO IT! DON'T COME CHASING AFTER ME.Pissing my ass off, that Lemon
Friday, October 17, 2008, 18:49
Well,I got pissed off today. But then again, I get pissed off everyday, but today it was Lemon who pissed my ass off. If I could say it and get away with it, I'd say, 'you piss my ass off big time, and I want to kill you and I don't give a damn about the murder charges'. From that statement you can say that I really hate Lemon, and you'd be hitting the nail on the head. 'Cause you're absolutely right. Let's start by what happened. So, our class was due for a feminine hygiene talk(I know, it only happens in a girls' school)and then Vanessa(one of my classmates) came up to me and said: Lemon wants to see you. (Of course she said the teacher's name, not Lemon, cause she was in earshot.) So I went up to Lemon where she was standing at the front of the classroom, and waited for her to finish talking to two of my other classmates, Yiting and Kyu Ri. So she puts her head around and says: Did you get the message? And I have no idea what she's talking about, so i reply: What message? And all this while I've been carefully schooling my face into a blank, expressionless mask, which I think she'll won't say anything to. So she says: The message that you were to see me. No, I didn't get your message. Turning to Vanessa she says: See? I told you to tell her! Then Vanessa says: I couldn't find her. To me: what time did you come in? 11.02 am. See? It's 11.30 already! Half an hour has passed. What were you doing? Then she says: You(meaning me)have to re-write your CIP essay. May I know why, Lemon? Because the paper you handed to me was broken. Uh...Sorry, but in what way was it broken? It, had it's top cut off. That is unacceptable. Oh. Because the foolscap sheet which I tore off had a jagged edge to it because i didn't tear properly, so I just cut it off. That is very rude, whether you are talking about Asian or Western cultures. The paper was broken when you handed it to me. You have to re-write it. Oh. Yes, may I have it now then? No. May I know why please? Because you have to go for the feminine hygiene talk now. Oh. I'll go now. Stop. *I turn around to face her again* I don't like that look on your face. Uh? Yes, I don't like it. Sorry Lemon, may I know what's wrong with it? (At this point I have the "uh?" look on my face.) For one, you're just standing there staring at me. Other students ask questions. You don't. (My thoughts: WTF?! I WAIT FOR YOU TO FINISH YOUR SENTENCE, THEN I SAY SOMETHING, SO YOU DON'T SAY I'M INTERRUPTING! GET YOUR BLOODY FACTS RIGHT!) Oh. Sorry. You should accept all this now, if you don't change you go up in the levels and you'll get the same from other teachers. Oh. Sorry. Go now for the talk.WAH LAU! And later after the talk she comes to our class and distributes the papers. and she sees me sitting around. What are you doing, Ka Onn? You should hurry up and start re-writing! Oh. Then she turns to Jing Yun(My classmate) and says: You have to re-write too. WHHYYY??!! (Her reaction) Because your paper was torn. (Shows her the jagged edge, which is worse than my neat,straight but cut-off edge) HAAAHHH...Can I type it out and give it to you on Monday? No, cannot, not allowed. I have to key in the marks. (At this point I look up at Jing Yun standing next to my desk. And she's glaring a little at Lemon and her jaw is set firm, defiantly. Lemon doesn't say a thing.) My thoughts: WTF?! SHE DOESN'T REACT WHEN JING YUN STARES AND LOOKS DEFIANT BUT SHE BLOWS UP WHEN I JUST HAVE AN EXPRESSIONLESS FACE. HELL.) ah well. F-ing lemon. Freak. She's pissing my ass off. I'd better pray hard I don't get her as a teacher next year. And transfer out next year. F--- Lemon. Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 20:26
Well, I finished Nineteen Eighty Four today. For convenience's sake, I shall refer to it as NEF. I had a very interesting conversation with my dad last night about NEF, and the conversation slowly tilted towards things of the world, religion, Communism, Communist states, the merits and demerits of Communism, insights into NEF, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley(I haven't read it yet but it's sitting there on my table, cause I borrowed it from the library), my seemingly random dreams of the way the government should deal with criminals/breakers of the law, my own version of utopia, how the future will be like, a book I've read entitled The Key to Midnight(I forgot the author's name! Oh horrors!) mentioning a book The Demolished Man(which I have no idea whether it actually exists), and the many levels of understanding in reading a book. Oh, and did I forget to mention TIME? Time came about because dad told me that it was ten-thirty and to go to sleep. All you people must be wondering: Wah, why must you talk about all these 'chim' things? Well, to me it's not exactly 'chim'. And I'm not boasting/bragging. I found that it's actually very interesting to talk to a grownup(i.e., adult)about these worldly issues. And I discovered a strange thing about myself: I like to talk to adults or people who are older than me better than I like talking to people my age. I find I can't connect with them. Many of the things people my age talk about, for example shopping, a handsome actor/a pretty actress, television shows...I have no interest in these. I find them frivolous. I would rather sit in a cupboard with perhaps a can of coffee/tea/100PLUS(note that they all contain caffeine), a flashlight and a book and read rather than socialising with people. Yes, perhaps I am antisocial. I like being alone too. Maybe I'm an only child, that's why...There's really very little people who are only children in my class. And my ideal sibling would be an elder brother. Oh! Oh! I forgot one thing! If he asks for martial arts lessons then I can have some too. My parents have been denying me martial arts lessons because they said they'd get called up by the teachers again. The first time this year they got called up, it was because I read so-called 'sick books'(explicit, but I found it in the library!) and I strangled my classmate. So they don't want me to kill anyone. With my physical strength, it's possible. Stay Clear! No lah, I'm joking. Enjoy the rest of your day. (As if I mean it, ha.)Monday, October 13, 2008, 15:44
My imaginary friend is rather like me. That said, his likings are exactly similar to mine. The only thing different about the two of us is our age and the fact that he's male and I'm female. You could say that he's the male version of me. Anyway, back to the real motive of this post! It's my love for the library. So!Returned: The Mark Of The Assassin by Daniel Silva. Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer by Robert Suskind. (The 'U' has two little dots over it but I have no idea how to type that in, nor how to pronounce it.) Scorpia by Anthony Horowitz. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill. Borrowed: Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell. Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley. The Best American Mystery Stories edited by Joyce Carol Oates. Well! Hopefully that shall keep me alive for two or three days. , 10:30
I have an imaginary friend! :) No, I'm not drifting, crazy, insane, mad, not right in the head, touched, the sun didn't get to me, bonkers, wacko...The list goes on. I created the friend in Geog. We were going through the answers and we didn't even HAVE the bloody scripts. The teacher just rambled on and on. So I made up an imaginary friend. I drew him on foolscap I'd brought along.NAME: DECEMBER / R. (ACTUAL NAME: DECEMBER. CODE NAME: R.) D.O.B. : DECEMBER 31. AGE: 17. (DON'T ASK ME WHY. IT POPPED INTO MY HEAD.) GENDER: MALE. HEIGHT: 1.85 CM. WEIGHT: FLUCTUATES. DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH HE EATS(VERY LITTLE). OTHERS: LOVES EATING. EATS LITTLE COMPARED TO ME(CONSIDER THE SIZE) BUT VERY MUCH FOR HIS SIZE. HE CANT HAVE NOODLES W/O CHILLI. (LIKE ME). HE LOVES SPICY FOOD. HE LIKES SWEET STUFF. HE CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT COFFEE AND TEA.(LIKE ME). I have to make up the rest. Here's all for now. Doom Was Sitting On My Doorstep
Friday, October 10, 2008, 22:03
Well! Today I had a doctor's appointment. It's a six month thing for my spine. For those who don't know, I have congenital scoliosis. I have half a vertebrae extra, in the shape of a wedgge, and it causes the spine to tilt. So it's called hemivertebrae. Don't ask me why, or how it's formed. Just know that it's there. So the doctors today, my regular Prof Wong and his trainee(I think) under him both said that they thought the best thing for me was surgery. And, yes, the degree of the spine increased...at first it was 37. Then it went to 35. And now it's 38. And the doctors fixed the frigging appointment for NEXT BLOODY YEAR. Oh freak. It's a hell of a long time to wait. And they said if we leave it forever and not do the surgery at all then the cartilage there will probably suffer from wear and tear and then it'll press on my nerves. So it'll probably result in nerve damage and possibly paralysis. Damn. If we do the surgery, then complications like loss of blood, possible nerve damage might result. And of course there's plenty of other stuff to consider for surgery(the risks I mean.)And then you know in movies people always say in this kind of crisis then what'll happen is they see their entire life flashing in front of their eyes, and they start crying. Sorry to disappoint. I didn't cry, nor did I see my entire life flashing in front of my eyes. I merely thought: I'm kinda hungry. So I fished in my bag for Polo mints and I wished I could just plug out the doctors, dump them out of the window and stuff my iPod earphones into my ears and tune out everyone else. To hell with the diagnosis. To hell with everything else. I just wanted to be alone at home. This isn't the first time I felt like this. And when we went out of the room to pay, we had to sit on those hospital chairs. These weren't so bad. They weren't those plastic flimsy affairs that collapse as you sit. It was rather hard though. And I looked at the TVs on the wall, one broadcasting CNN and the other showing which patients(identified by queue numbers) were to report to which room. I had my earphones plugged in though my parents were sitting with me. I didn't feel like talking. I was in a destructive mood. I felt like ripping don those two TVs and dissecting(or rather, disassembing it) and throwing everything out of the window. Don't ask me why. I have no idea myself. And no, another trip to the counselor isn't going to help.Thursday, October 9, 2008, 17:42
i'm utilising the abovementioned license to do what i want. currently, i have my blog, email and a search for a nicer blogskin on., 15:40
well, i just finished my CIP hours in the library. and it entailed cleaning shelves. at first i thought that i would do arranging books, like what my friends Jing Yun and Sylvia did. then the librarian led me to a small box under the stairs, and she handed me a bucket. inside was this small, holey rag. so i thought: cleaning windows. as long as she gives me a pair of gloves i'll be fine. i thought that because i saw cleaning liquid and a pair of gloves there in the box too. then she led me to the side door and unlocked it. she brought me to the toilet and filled the bucket a quarter-full with water. she brought me back to the shelves and told me to get a chair. with the requisite chair in place, she said: now you see, this is what you do. and she crouched down and wiped the bottom of the shelf, the one that never holds any books. after she wiped it she took off her shoes and climbed onto the chair, and wiped the top of the shelf. she g0t down and said: okay, girl? remember to take off your shoes and don't get your uniform wet. and don't fall off the chair. so she left me with the pail of water, a rag, a chair and a duty to do. the reason why i had to clean shelves in the library was because i missed the class CIP. and CIP is community involvement programme. serve the community, the people...that kinda moral education stuff you get in schools. and reason why i missed? i went with my debate club friends to support the rest of the team in a debate competition. so i had to do CIP in the library today. not that i didn't enjoy it! i enjoyed it very much. actually, you might think: what? HO KA ONN of ALL people, CLEANING SHELVES? well, at first i was a bit self-conscious. what if people think i'm doing detention? (Detention class is the proper name. we call it DC.) then i thought: DC people have prefects following them. anyway, TO HELL WITH WHATEVER THESE BLASTED PEOPLE THINK! they can think whatever they want about me. so i did it cheerfully. and time really did fly. yes, oh no! it's a cliche! but i couldn't think of anything else. i did 2 hours and 40 mins. and it was only supposed to be one and a half hours, cause i did half before the exams! but never mind. i'm helping my favourite place in the school! and i hate the school so you can imagine why i'm so glad to do library duty., 11:09
WAH LAAAU! DIIIEEE.... i am such an idiot. i hate GEOG. AND TO HELL WITH CHOICE QUESTIONS!!! well, for geog paper today we had six questions and we were told to choose four to do. then what happened was that i chose 1, 2, 5 and 6. so i chose those that i knew how to do. most of it anyway. then what happened when i got to the end was that i ran out of time! BLOODY HELL! so i left 6a and 6b undone. and that was the Achilles Heel of my blasted geog! AND THOSE TWO PIDDLY QUESTIONS COST A ME A BLOODY TEN MARKS. and i left one MCQ question undone. and that's one mark. right, may not sound like much but it's the diff between passing and failing. and living and dying. right? so bye bye 11 marks. DAMN ITTT! well, i'm about to climb into my slime pit of misery and perhaps drown or rot...so don't disturb me. or die.SADISTIC TEACHERS(IN SECONDARY SCHOOL)
Monday, October 6, 2008, 10:14
haha! as my classmates know, HISTORY IS DOWN!!!! yeah man! one more damned battle won on the battlefield of exams. the perils there: accusations of cheating from the teachers. getting speared or dying from memory blocks or tough questions. and much more. so the teacher in charge of invigilating our classroom(it's teachers, oops) are.....TA-DAAA! Lemon and the co-form, Durian! *clapclapclap* ok, formalities over, let's get on with the story. so when Lemon exchanges shifts with Durian(she's no Esplanade, she ain't that classy) Durian sits at the back of the class staring at everyone. better than Lemon, Lemon stalks around the class staring down everyone...so Durian sits there. when she says PENS DOWN, she gives us the instructions for stapling. so two of my classmates gets it wrong cause we don't understand the instructions. then after she collects everything i'm like OH SHIT I STAPLED THE QUESTION PAPER TO THE SECTION A AND THE SECTION B AND C TOGETHER, OH CRAP! so i tell her. and she goes into this rant OH YOU THIS CLASS, YOU'RE ALL SO FULL OF YOURSELVES, CAN'T EVEN LISTEN TO SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS, SUCH BRATS and the like. so she demands that the girls with a problem with the paper stay back. so a couple of us stay back and she launches into another rant about us being spoilt brats and being too full of ourselves. and earlier on when she said pens down and told us to staple everything, then my friend said she needed to go to the toilet. and Durian screamed CAN YOU WAIT? WAIT! wah lau. teachers in secondary schools, especially those unmarried(Lemon) or those that fit what Durian is, are SADISTIC.Sunday, October 5, 2008, 15:33
well, i had a bizarre dream last night. and it involved some classmates, an overseas trip on a bus that lasted all of an hour, me dressed in my favourite army camouflage knee length pants and a black shirt. let me start.Items I was carrying(in my knapsack/backpack, on me and in my pockets) - 17 packets of sweets, 14 of which are edible(and made of sweetened energy gel). the other 3 are explosives. - 3 chocolate bars, 2 are edible(Hershey dark chocolate and Cookies and Cream). the 1 left is a knife/blade/saw/parang/butterfly knife concealed. - my house keys. the keychain is a mini grenade. i rub my right thumb against one side(the side where the letter K is the right side) and scratch the othr side with my left index. (it's finger-print sensitive) then i throw it and get as far as I can from it. - my wallet. I've a hundred in cash and a couple of credit cards somewhere in there. (don't ask me where i got that much dough, it's a dream. i don't carry that much around with me normally, I'm a frigging student.) - my purple iPod. - a book: Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult. (I'm reading this in real life.) - a bomb designed to look like a book. you can read as far as the first 15 pages. then you come to this box like contraption. the bomb's inside. I've a mission. the bomb's part of it. it's to kill X country's prime minister and his secretary. here's where a touch of home comes in: his secretary is Mas Selamat Kastari. LOL *hehe* so I take a bus. the ride only lasted an hour, somehow...but the ride took me to the Middle East. so here's the lowdown on the minister: he's dirty. he sells his own children to the slave trade for the money. he's corrupt and puts very littl e money into public works, and there isn't any middle class or high class(rich people). everyone's starving. his wife? he sold her into prostitution. he persecutes all religious people, Jews, Christians(Catholics and Protestants), Muslims, Hindus...whatever you have. Cause he's an (idiotic)atheist. so I'm on the way to kill him. and then when i get there i take a bus to his palace. he lives in the lap of luxury but his people live hand to mouth. so i transmute a tunnel(eh, now i got alchemy skills ah) under his palace to his office and i plant the explosives and the bomb. did i mention i planted some cameras too? so after i do that then i meet my friends outside. I surreptitiously watch the office through a tiny screen in my glasses and then when i see the secretary go into the minister's office, i wait. we (my friends and I) walk through the market. I detonate the bomb when I see them both sitting at the table that I planted the bomb and the explosives under. and one of my friends has a small cut on the bridge of his nose from flying shrapnel(TAKE NOTE! THIS PERSON DOESN'T EXIST IN REAL LIFE, I MET HIM AT THE PALACE!) so i whipped out my mini first aid kit. i got out the gauze and the surgical tape, and i bandaged his nose. then we fled. and one girl remarked( okay, It's Sarah Wong my classmate) "I just lost my country." and i said I'm sorry. then a minute later she whispers to me "did you plant the bomb?" so i nod. and she says thanks. then i got back on a bus and plug my earphones into my ears. then i woke up. Thursday, October 2, 2008, 10:57
well. remember my previous post where i said that we had an extra day of school? well what happened was that nine people PONNED SCHOOL. and my parents wouldn't let me pon. idiotic right? there aren't any lessons at all. stupid. anyway. remember i also mentioned the movie, The House Bunny? well it's PG. what's wrong? it's PG for sexual references. and the bloody idiotic, tame, over-protective school MGS says that we'll have to have another movie instead of The House Bunny. siiiigh. was rather looking forward to it though many reviews says it's bimbotic.Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 22:07
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH FERRARI DIED MASSA DIED HAMILTON DIED TOO... ok i'm reeling over with the grief. but there's still a couple more races to go before the end of the Grand Prix so RACE ON F1!!!!!!! yes I love F1. okay, i only like the cars and the speed at which it can go....300km/h and MOOOOOREEEEE!!!! this post is super hyped, and i couldn't find a nice skin. all the Ferrari ones feature the people. Lamborghini has the models for Lamborghini. F1 has the drivers. there aren't any for 2 Fast, 2 Furious. those for Tokyo Drift all feature the actors. and for Initial D there's the ever ugly Jay Chou. ok, he's not an eyesore...but I only like his songs. and if anyone comes to me and starts taunting me about being a Jay Chou fan, I will personally bash you up on the spot. and I recently discovered a book in my bookshelf which I'd forgotten all about. It's about survival anytime anywhere. and there's a chapter entitled Self-Defence. :) people think it's odd that a girl loves the speed at which F1 drives and not the drivers. my classmates are swooning over the drivers. typical girl stuff. shit, I forgot I was a girl. Damn. Nvm, parents are REALLY NAGGING SO I GTG THOUGH I WANTED POST MORE. :( P.S. to myself: what the hell's with all the smileys, you didn't display emotion this much before...., 21:53
(today's a public holiday, Hari Raya!:) so of course i didn't have to go to school, which means no seeing that bloody Lemon:) good for me! and then MOE has this stupid law that says NO EXAMS ARE TO BE HELD ON THE DAY AFTER A PUBLIC HOLIDAY. ok, so maybe it means that it's one more day to study. for that I'm glad. but then again, it means ONE LESS MARKING DAY. and what happened in school was that we had Be Yourself Day on the 1st of Sept and there was a prize for the ALOUDEST class. it means the class with the highest percentage of people wearing the Aloud T-Shirt. (Aloud is some singing talent competition held in school.) and we, the Class of 1E'08, won it with "an astonishing 100%". so we got a free movie for the class! and what happened is that because of MOE's stupid rule, the rest of the exams got pushed back one day. which means the outing will be in the afternoon instead of the morning. and the movie that we wanted to watch, The House Bunny, isn't showing. (why did we choose The House Bunny? because the popu.ation of MGS is mainly made out of... b-i-m-b-o-s okay, the ai-mei(love to be pretty) girls chose it, that's why.) and now we'll have to watch some stupid other movie. okay maybe not stupid..I and a few others wanted to watch Eagle Eye(yes, characteristic of me, I love spy thrillers and stuff involving speed, violence and maybe a little naughty intimate stuff). but then again all the ai-mei girls will be bored to death. but I'll be kept on the edge of my seat! anyway, GTG. the parents won't be watching TV for long. |
Unfortunately, About
has moved on quite a bit and does not blog anymore thank you for dropping by bold italics underline Wishes For...
World peace To be less fat To write better To play the piano better To lose weight... To be able to sing well To be able to play more instruments To do better in studying... Wanted Books
1. Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 2. Pinball, 1973 by Murakami 3. A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami 4. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End Of The World by Murakami 6. Dance Dance Dance by Murakami 7. South of the Border, West of the Sun by Murakami 8. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Murakami 9. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami 13.The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami 14. after the quake by Murakami 15. 1Q84 by Murakami 16. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult 17. A Conspiracy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 18.Jack by a.m.homes 19. The End Of Alice by a.m.homes 20. In A Country of Mothers by a.m.homes 21. Music For Torching by a.m.homes 22. this book will save your life by a.m.homes 23. The Safety of Objects by a.m.homes 24. Things You Should Know by a.m.homes 25. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb 27. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 28. The Rules of Attraction by Ellis 29. American Psycho by Ellis 31. Glamorama by Ellis 32. Lunar Park by Ellis 33. Imperial Bedrooms by Ellis 34. Rashomon by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa 35. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill 36. Out by Natsuo Kirino 37. Real World by Natsuo Kirino 39. What Remains by Natsuo Kirino 40 - 56. the rest of Kirino's books which haven't been translated 57. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong (in alphabetical order) 58. A Walking Tour of the Shambles by Neil Gaiman 59. Adventures in the Dream Trade by Gaiman 60. American Gods by Gaiman 61. Anansi Boys by Gaiman 62. Angels and Visitations by Gaiman 63. Coraline by Gaiman 64. Day of the Dead by Gaiman 65. Don't Panic by Gaiman 66. Fragile Things by Gaiman 67. Good Omens by Gaiman 68. Interworld by Gaiman 69. Mirrormask by Gaiman 70. Neverwhere by Gaiman 71. Now We Are Sick by Gaiman 72. Smoke and Mirrors by Gaiman 73. Stardust by Gaiman 74. The Absolute Death by Gaiman 75. The Sandman: Book of Dreams by Gaiman 76. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen 77. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 78. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton 80. The Cross Gardener by Jason F. Wright 81. A History of Love by Nicole Krauss 82. At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill 83. The Road by Cormac McCarthy 84. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 85. The Colossus and Other Poems by Plath 86. Ariel by Plath 87. Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices by Plath 88. Crossing the Water by Plath 89. Winter Trees by Plath 90. The Collected Poems by Plath 91. Selected Poems by Plath 92. Plath: Poems 93. Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 by Plath 94. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts 95. The Journals of Sylvia Plath 96. The Magic Mirror, Plath's Smith College senior thesis 97. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil 98. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 99. An Artist of the Floating World by Ishiguro 101. The Unconsoled by Ishiguro 102. When We Were Orphans by Ishiguro 104. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong 105. Anything and everything by James Baldwin There are more. Time does not allow for me to put them up. ...
I believe that every human is inherently good. Therefore every human should be treated equally. I will henceforth try to treat everyone without bias. Everyone should be free to believe in what they want. If feelings rule our emotions, then why let hate do so? I think that all the chaos in our world results from All the unresolved tension, mistrust and hate we store. I think love is the solution. So don't tell me that you think love is wrong. As long as it's well meaning, and doesn't harm I advocate it. So for that reason I think gay love is right too. I think another source of hate Is misunderstandings and stereotypes. I find it hard to see past people's appearances sometimes. But it doesn't mean that I don't try. I think that if we let go of all All, of our past misconceptions and labels We could finally try to live together, All as members of one human race. Doorways Without Doors
HannahHilarie Lydia Mirabel Siow Ching Stephanie Xuan Rake up the Past
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