![]() Injustice
Monday, March 30, 2009, 21:03
As I sit in front of the computer screen and much upon an apple which had languished in my bag since this morning, I ponder upon this question: Is the world really fair?Some time ago, I completed a Justice RP which was promptly sent off to my debate coach, Imran. I admit, knowing little about justice, much of it was copied and pasted from Wikipedia. Tut tut, plagiarism. But, is it really fair, that Hitler got to die with his mistress 40 hours after he married her, in suicide? And my uncle has to die a slow and painful death from multiple myeloma? I had enjoyed a wonderful diner of macaroni and soup, with my father and I having a nice meaningful conversation. What about the millions of people starving in the streets of Africa, who have no food? Those who cannot afford to buy food? I have a roof over my head, I have no need to worry about money. Then, there are many people who cannot provide for their family anymore? Those who have lost their jobs, but still walk out of the door in a suit not to make their kids worry, and return without a job and fib when their children ask how their day was? If God controls all the things in the universe, then is he fair now? Sunday, March 29, 2009, 21:10
Skin changed. I did warn you it'll be a dark skin. Yes, I realize the mixpod and the skin doesn't match. I'll have to change it tomorrow when I have time.More Serious Thoughts on Mortality, Affliction, and the Great Immortal:God
, 20:28
Well well, here I am, back again with my thoughts, to inflict them upon my readers. Really, I don't know who comes to my blog, and why, besides my parents. I can hear Yi Ting shouting: "WTF your PARENTS visit your blog?Mine don't even care!" Ah well.I was wondering, why do people have to die? No, really. (Deja vu, huh? *wink*) Let's start with some cold, hard 'for sure' facts. 1. God is all powerful. 2. God controls everything. 3. He has the power to do everything (relate back to the first question). 4. God loves us ALL, even when we're so steeped in our filthy sin, He's still willing to embrace us. 5. God doesn't want bad, terrible things to happen to us. 'Cause He's our Heavenly Father and He loves us so much, He hurts when we hurt. 6. He gives us all things, bad and good. Now I've given you the basis of this post, let's deal with the oxymorons and the contradictions ensconced within. 1. He loves us, right? And He hurts when we hurt. And he gives us the things that we get riight?? THEN WHY THE HELL DOES HE GIVE US THE BAD THINGS?! We hurt when we get the bad things. God loves us, he doesn't want us to hurt. He feels bad too. Then this is oxymoronic, is God some kinda sadistic masochist?! Sadistic, he gives us hurt. Masochist, he gives us hurt though he feels bad too and suffers. 2. Why did He give us the choice whether to follow him or not? If He didn't want us to go down the paths of vice and sin, then He shouldn't have placed the choice THERE for us to CHOOSE! He can't be that stupid. *repeat the stuff about the hurt going two ways* 3. He doesn't have to give us bad things...Or does he? He's all-powerful, so I suppose no one can impose a quota of stuff He has to give us. Or is He truly all-powerful! I don't know. 4. Why do people who are good get all the bad things, and justice or retribution never comes around to the bad people? Like my uncle is DYING now, a painful, slow death from multiple myeloma. That's cancer of the blood, FYI. He's a good man! He served in the police force for much of his time, married a nice wife, is a filial son, is faithful to his wife, raised two good kids (one's in army, one in uni) and is a GOOD GUY! Then when he's almost fifty he gets this stuff. Why? Why? WHYYYYY????? I mean, hell. It happens to the good guys. He gets his life filled with pain, being turned into a living skeleton through no will of his own, and we're all watching him go. For f-'s sake, the injustice of it ALL!!!! LIFE is not justified. NOTHING is justified. Just WTH is then justified??? I wouldn't CARE if it happened to a certain child-devouring teacher *ahem, cough*. I wouldn't care if it happened to Adolf Hitler, to Pol Pot, to Dr. Mengele of Nazi war camp doctor fame, some person who has done more harm than good! And he? Does he deserve this? GOD, ANSWER! DOES HE? DOES HE? DOES HE? Or any of the other good people, for instance? Did my father and his siblings deserve to lose their father when they barely had an impression of him? He went when my father was three. My grandmother was left to take care of six children, working in Telok Kurau Pri's canteen as a F&B vendor. Others: I don't know, really. It's been an emotionally-charged post, and with a few expletives thrown in for good measure. There goes the curb on my tongue. I have no idea what's up with God, nor with life, nor with anyone who just happens to control life. I don't know. Some people say ignorance is bliss. WAKE UP, PEOPLE. Ignorance, is contained to childhood. Which may be bliss then, but now we're being made to face reality even younger than our parents. 'Believe me, I know, I was in sec school before.' Quote all the parents. ALL. HELLO??? That was at least thirty years ago. In thirty years, many things change. In a few years (WW2) Hitler wiped out 6.8 million Jews. The more I seek knowledge and wisdom, the further I think I get away from it. I don't know. And what I don't know scares me. (blatantly dropping my ego there). Eg, the questions of God, mortality, religion...all...but that's for another post. 101th Post
, 11:19
Hmm, this is the 101th post! Finally, it took me quite some time to get here. Pretty slow, aren't I? Ah well, slow and sure is the best way to go. Spoken with the true intellect...of a slow(but wise)tortoise. HAHAHA! LOL. ^_^.Actually, I think this week there won't be an intellectual post, nor one that's in-depth. I might change my skin soon. This one is a little tiring. It's too bright and uplifting. Not good for a pessimist like me. Of Perception, Misconception, Phobias and Stereotypes
Sunday, March 22, 2009, 20:01
Yesterday, I had a haircut at this hair salon called Charlotte Hair Tattoo. It's run by this couple, who have a cute daughter, Charlotte. The woman Vivian does the hair and makeup and her husband(forgot his name)does the tattooing.Vivian asked me where I stayed and I said near Vivo City, and she said she and her husband didn't quite like it because it was too crowded. Besides, if the two of them went out, especially with Charlotte, people tended to stare. Why? Because the pair are heavily tattooed. And that answer brings about another question in itself, why do people tend to stare if you are heavily tattooed? I think it all depends on perception, and a few common misconceptions. 1. People who have tattoos are usually criminals, or at least 'pai kia'. 2. These people are deviant from society. 3. Don't associate with these people. They'll lead you down the wrong path. 4. These people went astray sometime ago, and they shouldn't be parents. Notice anything? These misconceptions are all negative. Many people have negative thoughts about tattoos, and people with tattoos. I wonder why. Well, I view tattoos as art that is merely taken on another scale and inked onto the body. The art was simply so significant to them that they wanted to be with it all the time. Maybe they thought it represented them. I mean, why does society have stigmas against these people? Then they might as well go against all people with tattoos. But let's get to the root of the problem. Why do people have misconceptions? Because they don't understand the people the misconceptions are about. Why do they not understand? Because they simply may be afraid of the people, and simply jump to conclusions about them. What I don't understand is, don't they think about the people they have misconceptions about? Like, I'm sure the tattooed people are aware of the stares they receive. Then, Atticus in 'To Kill A Mockingbird' said, You won't understand a person until you jump into his skin and walk around. Nice analogy. I'm sure we all understand, and are not absolute dimwits. Then, don't they think, if the people who were beign stared at was them, then wouldn't they feel terrible? Like, why the hell are these people staring at me as though I've sprouted a second head or a third breast?! I think these people who simply discriminate against the others are simply plain bastardly. Why do they think like that? I simply cannot understand their mindset. Discriminate against the different people. A cowardly choice. I think it boils down to their fear of these people, 'cause they're different, and you think they will suddenly lash out and slice you to pieces with a gleaming parang. HELLO?! Then, if you're really that afraid, you might as well just be a darned hermit! The whole world has them somewhere anyway. Wherever you go, they'll be there. If you're that afraid, because you have no idea what they'll do next, then you should just be just as afraid of everyone, because you have no idea what they're gonna do next either. If you think that they should be criminals, then you're talking bullshit. Actually, all this is due to phobias and stereotypes. The phobia of not knowing what supposed 'criminals' may do next, and the stereotype that the people with tattoos are criminals. I don't know how those two things came about, but I think it's all psychological. It's physical barriers that are more easy to break down, and psychological barriers that seem more difficult to get rid of. The mind, after all, controls much of our life, if not all of our life. Whatever it is, I think stereotypes and phobias of different people should be destroyed. Everyone deserves to be treated as a human being, all as equals. I wish there was some kind of manual, or guide to different types of people. So we can have a comprehensive insight into their life, and understand their feelings, thoughts and theories. We can 'jump into his skin and walk around', according to Atticus. It seems like a fictional character has so much more to offer in real life advice, than so many of my very much alive counterparts. We can get rid of all these stereotypes and needless phobias, and people like homophobes would not exist. Some absolute guide which also includes tips on how to interact with such people should be there too. In fact, I have the matter of homophobes on my mind, but I think I'll leave it for another day. Enough brain activity for one day. Adieu. Til' the next post, people. Some Serious Thoughts on Mortality
Saturday, March 14, 2009, 22:11
Why do people die?No, honestly. Why do people die? Perhaps their allotted time was up, as some may say. The Lord wanted them back in heaven as they'd completed their quota of good deeds (Does it even work this way?), or been extremely nice. I read that somewhere. Then, we have the 'Oh, fate just got them knocked down by a car.' What else? 'Oh, old age always gets to them in the end.' 'She? I don't know. I think maybe God, if he exists, didn't want anyone else to suffer under her rule.' Did you get one thing about all the suggestions? They all talk or hint about some supreme power. 1: 'allotted'. Who allotted it? Some greater person? 2: the LORD wanted them back. 3: FATE. 4: Is old age some kind of deciding factor to life? If so, is it not a supreme power too? 5: GOD. SO! Hope you got all that. Then, what about the people who don't believe in fate, like me? I believe in God (I'm a Christian.) What about the people who believe in alternate gods? What about the people who were freethinkers? That leads to, is it possible that we will not die(ever)? Is it actually possible? For centuries, scientists, doctors, alchemists, and other people have been trying to prolong their life by finding the Elixir of Life. Does that only exist in fairy tales? Is it just a myth? Or if it's not, will we actually find it one day? Actually, I think not. It's been 2009 years since Christ came. Sure, Adam lived till he was 930. That's pretty old. But then, he still died! Siddhartha Gautama(also known as Buddha)lived till he passed on into final Nirvana, which is just glossing over the fact that he died. The other religions? Hinduism has nine point six mill gods. (don't one or the other more obscure gods get pissed 'cause you can't finish praying to nine point six mill gods in a lifetime?) Islam has one god, Allah, and his messenger, Prophet Muhammad. In short, only one god, my god, has died and come back to life. In short, my god is the one true one. LOL? I don't know. There has been no known record of someone living for ever and ever. So, I don't think it's possible to find an elixir to life, no way to be immortal. Back to the question, why do people die? Because they can't be immortal, and they're mortal, and they can't live forever, that's why. But what if I'm not satisfied with this answer? According to Christianity, people who do not believe in God (in Jesus as well) will rot and languish in hell. That's why, many Christians endeavour to share their gospel with others. So those who have had many opportunities to accept Christ yet have not, I think they deserve it? Bu what about those that didn't have an opportunity? Like, they didn't have anyone who tried to share with them? Will God just fling them into hell too? Case in point, my mother's brother. (Touchy topic. Broach with caution.) Then, I'm pretty sure he didn't have anyone who shared the gospel with him. My mother only got into it when I attended a Christian kindergarten. I think, she accepted 'cause I accepted in kindergarten and was always puttering about the house singing Christian hymns. Could it be? What if the people didn't have a chance? My mother's brother went off to NZ to study after NS. He died in a car crash, but his girlfriend in the car survived. And he crashed 'cause of her. My mother accepts it(I think?) but when she mentions it, or when I think about it, then I always think, not of the unfairness of anything, but I wish he could have stuck around longer to convert to Christianity. My grandparents are Buddhist. At least my grandfather is. My grandmothe had a stroke, so I don't know whether she's still capable of logical, clear thought to comprehend religion, at least. Will God give them one last chance, and share it with them, and see if they accept Him? I don't know. The thing about life which I don't like is, mortality plays such an important and big fat role in life, and everyone thinks about it sometime. There are so many grey areas in mortality! Christianity says, everyone who believes in God shall have eternal life. I believe that. So that's why, I'm not afraid to die. Of course life didn't come cheaply, but I believe, if someone tells me to condemn Christianity or die, then I believe I would choose to die. I believe I have eternal life in my Lord Jesus Christ, and I will not perish. Will God be merciful, and give another chance to those who have not had an opportunity at all to accept Christ? (Never mind that this conversation is veering towards religion.) Will he? Why do people die? I set out upon this post with the intention of reflecting and getting an answer out of myself, but I see my quest unfulfilled. However, I think the answers number too many, and they all lie in a grey area. Mortality, I think, and life after death, really depends on your choice of religion. It depends, on your view of life. Life, is precious. But I do not think mortality is the real thing in life we ought to be worrying about. I think, it is the part about religion that requires your little grey cells to start acting. In my opinion, I think religion should govern life. It is one of the most important areas in life, if not the most important. It decides just about everything in life, including your view on mortality. Last words? Go with religion, people. Freethinkers, get off your asses. Get up. Actively choose, what and who you want to be, what you serve, what you believe in, and what your draw strength from. What you do with the rest of your life, and how you lead your life is on the line. It's more important than your career, even. Make a choice, today, now. Before you pop off...due to any unknown reason. I recommend Christianity. Have eternal life in Christ. Drop your worries about mortality. Take action NOW. Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 10:11
Hmm, I must apologize for not having posted in such a long time. It was not that the things that happened were not worthy enough to mention, nor was it that I did not have the feeling that compelled me to post. It was simply that I did not have the time. However, CTs have been over since last Tuesday, so an explanation is in order. I didn't want to post.Anyway, I'm frickin' pissed. No, really. Because last Wednesday, a thief went into my classroom (2E) and stole my camera and iPod nano. Two prized items of mine. And don't ream me out for leaving it in the classroom. It's a series of thefts, because on Friday two other classmates, Denise and Heershan, got their stuff stolen. Denise had her phone and Heershan her iPod nano stolen. Heershan's filed a police report, and all three of us filed reports with the school. Then what happened was that the police came, and they viewed the CCTV footage. Actually, the CCTV footage only focusses on the the locker area, but our classroom happens to be a couple of strides from the lockers. And guess what? The CCTV is useless. The afternoon glare just robs the image. I'll never get my stuff back. If I do, I'll bash up the thief. |
Unfortunately, About
has moved on quite a bit and does not blog anymore thank you for dropping by bold italics underline Wishes For...
World peace To be less fat To write better To play the piano better To lose weight... To be able to sing well To be able to play more instruments To do better in studying... Wanted Books
1. Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 2. Pinball, 1973 by Murakami 3. A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami 4. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End Of The World by Murakami 6. Dance Dance Dance by Murakami 7. South of the Border, West of the Sun by Murakami 8. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Murakami 9. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami 13.The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami 14. after the quake by Murakami 15. 1Q84 by Murakami 16. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult 17. A Conspiracy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 18.Jack by a.m.homes 19. The End Of Alice by a.m.homes 20. In A Country of Mothers by a.m.homes 21. Music For Torching by a.m.homes 22. this book will save your life by a.m.homes 23. The Safety of Objects by a.m.homes 24. Things You Should Know by a.m.homes 25. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb 27. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 28. The Rules of Attraction by Ellis 29. American Psycho by Ellis 31. Glamorama by Ellis 32. Lunar Park by Ellis 33. Imperial Bedrooms by Ellis 34. Rashomon by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa 35. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill 36. Out by Natsuo Kirino 37. Real World by Natsuo Kirino 39. What Remains by Natsuo Kirino 40 - 56. the rest of Kirino's books which haven't been translated 57. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong (in alphabetical order) 58. A Walking Tour of the Shambles by Neil Gaiman 59. Adventures in the Dream Trade by Gaiman 60. American Gods by Gaiman 61. Anansi Boys by Gaiman 62. Angels and Visitations by Gaiman 63. Coraline by Gaiman 64. Day of the Dead by Gaiman 65. Don't Panic by Gaiman 66. Fragile Things by Gaiman 67. Good Omens by Gaiman 68. Interworld by Gaiman 69. Mirrormask by Gaiman 70. Neverwhere by Gaiman 71. Now We Are Sick by Gaiman 72. Smoke and Mirrors by Gaiman 73. Stardust by Gaiman 74. The Absolute Death by Gaiman 75. The Sandman: Book of Dreams by Gaiman 76. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen 77. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 78. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton 80. The Cross Gardener by Jason F. Wright 81. A History of Love by Nicole Krauss 82. At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill 83. The Road by Cormac McCarthy 84. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 85. The Colossus and Other Poems by Plath 86. Ariel by Plath 87. Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices by Plath 88. Crossing the Water by Plath 89. Winter Trees by Plath 90. The Collected Poems by Plath 91. Selected Poems by Plath 92. Plath: Poems 93. Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 by Plath 94. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts 95. The Journals of Sylvia Plath 96. The Magic Mirror, Plath's Smith College senior thesis 97. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil 98. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 99. An Artist of the Floating World by Ishiguro 101. The Unconsoled by Ishiguro 102. When We Were Orphans by Ishiguro 104. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong 105. Anything and everything by James Baldwin There are more. Time does not allow for me to put them up. ...
I believe that every human is inherently good. Therefore every human should be treated equally. I will henceforth try to treat everyone without bias. Everyone should be free to believe in what they want. If feelings rule our emotions, then why let hate do so? I think that all the chaos in our world results from All the unresolved tension, mistrust and hate we store. I think love is the solution. So don't tell me that you think love is wrong. As long as it's well meaning, and doesn't harm I advocate it. So for that reason I think gay love is right too. I think another source of hate Is misunderstandings and stereotypes. I find it hard to see past people's appearances sometimes. But it doesn't mean that I don't try. I think that if we let go of all All, of our past misconceptions and labels We could finally try to live together, All as members of one human race. Doorways Without Doors
HannahHilarie Lydia Mirabel Siow Ching Stephanie Xuan Rake up the Past
June 2008July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 Credits
Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |