![]() Saturday, August 29, 2009, 22:04
Now I'm actually quite confused. Remember I got into trouble a little while back? Anyway, because of that, now I have to write an article for this campaign to raise money for tuition for the kids of cancer patients. I'm not balking about that. As you know, my birthday is on the 3rd of September -- next Thursday. That guy, Dr. Koo, mentioned that his own son had organised a birthday party for himself and two other friends at a chalet when he was in Sec Three, and the three friends had told all friends to come and eat...with a catch. They were not to bring presents; instead they were to bring the money they would have spent on the present and donate it to that cause. They raised $700. There is a part of me that says, this kinda thing comes along once in a lifetime. Quick, say you'll organise a party next Saturday after MG U14s, and invite all your friends. Then get them to donate, and forgo the presents this year. But there's another part of me that says, it's too late already. Some may have already bought the presents (I don't know, not many friends give me presents). Some may not even want to come for some weirdo's party. Some may think it's embarrassing to let them know what they would have spent. Another part says, you can do this next year or something like that, don't forgo the presents, you only get them once a year. I don't know what to do. I feel rather confused as I cannot make up my mind. Sigh. I have to worry about, of all things, my birthday. Thursday, August 27, 2009, 20:47
Somehow I can never be quite satisfied. I'm not happy with my marks (CA3) although I passed everything but Geog. I'm not happy with debate because my status is so...very fragile. I never seem to improve no matter how much I try. I'm not good at much at all, actually. I'm not that good at Lit, there's way more people in my class who scored damn high and left me lying in the dust. Lang? With a 13/25 for fucking Shakespeare and his bloody gay Antonio, I'm not going anywhere. It feels weird when I try to go and talk to one of my classmates because I run out of conversation topics so damn quickly. It feels weird because they seem so clique-ish and I never feel at ease with them. The classmates are the kind that silence seems unnatural with them. I always get stuck with the leftovers for projects. Maybe others think about me that way too. And I can't even find a room mate for ROCs. People just take me for granted. They just think they can pick another room mate who's more popular, who's more cool, who's more pretty or whatever bloody fucking crap, and then they just say 'Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you!' Ohyeah, those bloody bitches. I always try not to be too sarcastic. I try to be nice. I try to please them by agreeing. I try to ask for things nicely. I try to fit in, to make conversation, to make them think that I'm an okay person, to stop them from having some warped twisted image of me that I read porno and is a violent dangerous fucking serial killer or whatever shit. I try all day. I can't make it. They still don't like me, some still think I'm weird, some still think I'm dangerous. I might as well be a bloody hermit, holed up with books, paper, pens, laptop, damn fast wireless, whatever I want. I never am satisfied. I don't know what it is. Food, books, comics(manga), internet, fb, msn, fanfiction, writing, reading, calligraphy, music, piano, coffee, I don't know, alcohol, ice cream...chips, TV, I don't know. Nothing works. I just want more. I'm not satisfied with the alcoholic ice cream I consumed with my parents and an adult friend, I want the alcohol itself, I want the alcohol, I still don't know what will satisfy me, I still don't know what will make me contented, I still don't know what will make me happy. Exam grades? Dream on. Friday, August 21, 2009, 21:24
Take 5 friends, a day with no school, some money, Singapore's stretch of Orchard Road and this blog author. Mix well. Result? One fun-filled day, beginning at 1030 at Ion Orchard, then Orchard cineleisure, HMV, Heeren, and back to Orchard Cineleisure. Oh, add Burger King. Other results: a box of chocolate in different flavours (pineapple, banana and strawberry being among them) for my father, neoprints (second time taking them!) and a small portable fan in a water bottle shape for my mother. Oh, and two pairs of earring (green zipper and white safety pin) for my friend's birthday present. Then you take e-learning homework and a TV show. E-learning homework causes a very very deeply upset blog author, especially since she cannot watch her taped TV show. And yes she is pissed at most things in general. You know there's something wrong with you when even the best day shopping with friends doesn't cheer you up for more than the time spent there. When you're still pissed at the littlest of things. Oh, and when you're generally pissed with life anyway, nothing makes sense, and nothing helps. I need someone to sponsor me for retail therapy at Far East. And someone else to sponsor me for unlimited online shopping. Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 21:47
We all know that feeling. That feeling that we all never are satisfied. I can't help but think, there must be more than this. There must be more than just coming home, rushing homework, rushing dinner, rushing Internet time, rushing to get to sleep, struggling to sleep... There must be more than just debate training. Than spending time at the comlab. Then spending time soaking up the glow of my laptop screen. Than plugged into my iPod. Than scouting songs, reading, writing, breathing... There must be some profound reason. If there is a Creator, he/she would not have put us here merely as little voodoo dolls to toy around with. It's irritating. You seem to have control over everything. And yet over nothing. You grasp the power of so many things in your hands. You hold part of the lives of the people around you. You're in control of the live which you unfortunately and maybe unwillingly live. And yet we're not in control at all. If we're not in control, then who is? Why must some of these fools here constantly believe in the idea of some ridiculous and preposterous Creator who doesn't even fricking CARE about the suffering here anyway? Oh wait, we're just all the kah hng kia anyway. Just the small fry. If that fricking Creator of yours really exists, people, tell him to fix all the suffering. No poverty. No illnesses. No stress over work/school/fricking crap. Nothing but the conditions of a paradise. Even so, I'll believe in one when I see one. Nowadays, it seems as though no one actually carries out the promises they make. 'I'll room with you for ROCs.' 'I'll lend you my Math worksheet and teach you how to do the sums.' 'I'll do a Math Project with you.' 'Sure, let's have lunch together.' "We'll meet in the comlab?' PFFT. PROMISES? SCREW PROMISES. And as for all the people who had made the above promises, they all didn't fulfil it. And you know what? They all made other engagements with other people after they had promised me. And I had to hear the news all second-hand. Am I a non-entity? An invisible person? Someone you can't see? Did you think that it's fine to betray me because I'm a particularly good friend? Did you think that I wasn't worth your company, or you're just pissed at me, or I just annoy you with everything I say? Farewell, world. Say goodbye to the persona non grata. Adios. There must be more to life than this. BUT WHAT THE HELL IS IT THEN?! , 20:27
My thumbdrive's contents got wiped out by some unknown entity. I can't retrieve a single bloody thing from the fricking thumbdrive. THAT WAS JUST TWO YEARS OF DEBATE RESEARCH, PICTURES, SCHOOLWORK AND FANFICTION GONE. Just because I didn't fricking KNOW that it was necessary to have a back up copy. And my parents say it's my fault my entire bloody fricking thumbdrive is corrupted. Damn it. LIFE CAN GO SCREW ITSELF LEFT, RIGHT, CENTRE AND DIAGONALLY TOO IN HELL. , 06:16
Somehow, there can never be silence. You know there's always sound -- on a bus, the infernal chatter of the passengers (can't they shut the hell up?!), the engine, the wheels, the other vehicles... At home, you shut off the aircon. The fan. The television. You unplug your iPod. You mute the laptop. And the radio. Then you become aware of it -- that sound. That ringing sound, that whiny sound, that high-pitched noise -- You're not imagining it. But people go mad after prolonged exposure to it. Why we can't we bear the sound of silence? Is it that hard to sit in silence? Monday, August 17, 2009, 08:53
What I am addicted to: Blogging Reading (books, fanfiction, newspaper) Listening to music Online window shopping Writing (articles, fanfiction) NANOWRIMO!!! The Internet. Things I wish/will be addicted to: Manga Anime Speaking Killing Su Xuan Oh yes. Now I'm in the library, and just because I went to Su Xuan's darling Gavin's blog, she completely CLOSED MY TABS AND THE ENTIRE bloody MOZILLA PAGE. I have indeed, devised an entire list of tortures that I keep handy in my mind so that I may call upon it in times of need (to relieve my brain and so as to occupy myself meaningfully instead of staring at the person's probably fugly face. Lol. Toodles. A normal me bids you farewell...for now. Oh yes. And Su Xuan's not speaking to me. But -- do I actually need acquaintances? No. I shall live in silence. And love it. Saturday, August 15, 2009, 08:16
I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month. It's a race to reach 50,000 words (novel-length) from the 1st of November to the 30th of November! You can write about anything at all. It can be fantasy/romance/thriller/detective/murder/mystery...Just as long as it's fiction. I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I HAVE JOINED NANOWRIMO! I'm really very excited to start! Although it's three months away, I've already marked out the weeks in my school diary, and I've started thinking about the plot! But I'll stop there. I want the story to just flow as it will be (NO EDITS) in November. *bounce bounce* Hahah, I really am excited this time! GOAL: 50,000 WORDS! Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 20:23
As of now I'm a student. A student with a shitload of exams. But that's not what I want to be now. The list includes: being a drummer(damned impossible because drumming lessons are denied), martial arts expert (FXCKING IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE MARTIAL ARTS LESSONS ARE FXCKING WELL FOREVER DENIED), shopper! (not possible, I have no moolah/money/monehh/$/cash...), BIG-TIME HACKER(NOT ONE OF THOSE SCRIPT KIDDIES) BUT...(impossible. I know absolutely nothing about hacking. FXCK... But still, at the moment, I am still a student who has very, very (damned) limited time on the internet. AND -- the bloody school blocked blogger. Fxck. So I can't surf freely. And as of now...I STILL have a shitload of exams. Fxck. Shit. Hell. FORGET ABOUT LIVING THE WAY YOU WANT TO. To Hell And Back
Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 19:51
I wonder if it was actually possible to journey to hell, heaven and back. Since I renounced my faith as a Christian on the 3rd of July, I don't know what to believe: whether there's a heaven or a hell. Or whether there's life after death at all. Or whether the life (which a lot of is hell by the way) we are living now is real or not. Ugh. CTs start tomorrow. Geog and Lang. Somehow I feel oddly detached from this materialistic world, and somehow I cannot bring myself to study. To me, I do not belong in this world...But there is no other one I can inhabit... It is such a tragedy, that us people who do not like this world and wish to create our own paradise do not have the powers to do so. And the one (whom I used to believe in) who supposedly apparently has the power, leaves the world to rot in it's own fxcking pit of shit. ie, the stench of bastardly acts and inhumane behaviour. The one with the power doesn't care. Right? Fine. Let us stew and rot and die in this fxcking pit of supposed humanity, then. Nothing I can do about it anyway. (this post has been censored so as not to offend any sensitive eyes) Thursday, August 6, 2009, 15:58
In sooth I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me, you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, where of it is born, I am to learn. And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself. -- Antonio, The Merchant Of Venice, William Shakespeare. This melancholy is not unknown To either you or me. But yet knowledge of its origin Continues to elude me. I know not its constituents There be no list of ingredients And a blinking fool it renders me, To my own eyes and consideration But yet, to even myself, my own self Remains, still, a mystery. -- Ken Kant. Sunday, August 2, 2009, 20:43
Just returned from a satisfying ride with my father. Or rather, I cycled and he ran. Wait. 'You have a bike and know how to use it?' That's probably going through your heads. Yes, I can ride a bicycle. I learnt before I entered Primary School. I started with a blue tricycle (with four wheels) in kindergarten, progressed to one with two wheels in Primary Two and because it rusted and went kaput (because I had no time to ride it), my father got me a new one...along with a promise that he would take me cycling once a week while he runs(any day that he runs). So I have a blue and silver machine outside my front door with a nice loud black bell, good shock absorbers, quality gears and cool light reflectors. Oh, and the crossbar bears Raleigh. You know what? Liberation is here. Let's go for a joyride, baby. |
Unfortunately, About
has moved on quite a bit and does not blog anymore thank you for dropping by bold italics underline Wishes For...
World peace To be less fat To write better To play the piano better To lose weight... To be able to sing well To be able to play more instruments To do better in studying... Wanted Books
1. Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 2. Pinball, 1973 by Murakami 3. A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami 4. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End Of The World by Murakami 6. Dance Dance Dance by Murakami 7. South of the Border, West of the Sun by Murakami 8. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Murakami 9. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami 13.The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami 14. after the quake by Murakami 15. 1Q84 by Murakami 16. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult 17. A Conspiracy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 18.Jack by a.m.homes 19. The End Of Alice by a.m.homes 20. In A Country of Mothers by a.m.homes 21. Music For Torching by a.m.homes 22. this book will save your life by a.m.homes 23. The Safety of Objects by a.m.homes 24. Things You Should Know by a.m.homes 25. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb 27. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 28. The Rules of Attraction by Ellis 29. American Psycho by Ellis 31. Glamorama by Ellis 32. Lunar Park by Ellis 33. Imperial Bedrooms by Ellis 34. Rashomon by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa 35. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill 36. Out by Natsuo Kirino 37. Real World by Natsuo Kirino 39. What Remains by Natsuo Kirino 40 - 56. the rest of Kirino's books which haven't been translated 57. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong (in alphabetical order) 58. A Walking Tour of the Shambles by Neil Gaiman 59. Adventures in the Dream Trade by Gaiman 60. American Gods by Gaiman 61. Anansi Boys by Gaiman 62. Angels and Visitations by Gaiman 63. Coraline by Gaiman 64. Day of the Dead by Gaiman 65. Don't Panic by Gaiman 66. Fragile Things by Gaiman 67. Good Omens by Gaiman 68. Interworld by Gaiman 69. Mirrormask by Gaiman 70. Neverwhere by Gaiman 71. Now We Are Sick by Gaiman 72. Smoke and Mirrors by Gaiman 73. Stardust by Gaiman 74. The Absolute Death by Gaiman 75. The Sandman: Book of Dreams by Gaiman 76. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen 77. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 78. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton 80. The Cross Gardener by Jason F. Wright 81. A History of Love by Nicole Krauss 82. At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill 83. The Road by Cormac McCarthy 84. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 85. The Colossus and Other Poems by Plath 86. Ariel by Plath 87. Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices by Plath 88. Crossing the Water by Plath 89. Winter Trees by Plath 90. The Collected Poems by Plath 91. Selected Poems by Plath 92. Plath: Poems 93. Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 by Plath 94. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts 95. The Journals of Sylvia Plath 96. The Magic Mirror, Plath's Smith College senior thesis 97. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil 98. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 99. An Artist of the Floating World by Ishiguro 101. The Unconsoled by Ishiguro 102. When We Were Orphans by Ishiguro 104. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong 105. Anything and everything by James Baldwin There are more. Time does not allow for me to put them up. ...
I believe that every human is inherently good. Therefore every human should be treated equally. I will henceforth try to treat everyone without bias. Everyone should be free to believe in what they want. If feelings rule our emotions, then why let hate do so? I think that all the chaos in our world results from All the unresolved tension, mistrust and hate we store. I think love is the solution. So don't tell me that you think love is wrong. As long as it's well meaning, and doesn't harm I advocate it. So for that reason I think gay love is right too. I think another source of hate Is misunderstandings and stereotypes. I find it hard to see past people's appearances sometimes. But it doesn't mean that I don't try. I think that if we let go of all All, of our past misconceptions and labels We could finally try to live together, All as members of one human race. Doorways Without Doors
HannahHilarie Lydia Mirabel Siow Ching Stephanie Xuan Rake up the Past
June 2008July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 Credits
Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |