![]() Friday, January 28, 2011, 23:44
Call me pessimistic or whatever but I don't really care.You realise that sometimes it just gets...sad. Whatever. I mean, for the past two years, I thought '3rd September. Huh?' Essentially that means I forgot my own birthday. I mean, I know that it's my birthday. It's just that I don't think much of my birthday anymore. I went and viewed the posts I did on my birthdays since I was in Sec One. Sec One, I got two books. Remains of the Day and The Last Lecture. And dinner. Sec Two, I got court shoes, early dinner from parents, notebook and nice paper from Auntie Carolin, Joyce and Joanne. With cake. Sec Three - braces. Early dinner. In Sec Two I was preoccupied with the ET's MGU14s. I guess that's an excuse to forget. In Sec Three? I didn't even realise. In debate this week some newbies, Sec Ones, were discussing birthdays and were demanding that the others remember theirs. I wanted to call them juvenile. I said: When you get to my age it won't matter anymore. I forgot mine for the past two years. They gaped. They couldn't comprehend it. I mean, to me my birth date is just that. My birthdate. I don't feel exceptionally happy. Some people say that your birthday is a celebration of your existence. I say it's bullshit. I mean, why do you need to celebrate? You exist and that's it. And there ain't much to celebrate anyway. Existence? Rather not. It's just gone, that thing, that thing. You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure... Saturday, January 22, 2011, 12:50
Escape routes should be renamed quickly-disintegrating-pathways."Prom" Troubles and Others
, 12:30
Inadequacy.Just need an R and a K to make quark. A quark is a sub-atomic particle, like protons or neutrons. A quark is what I am. Quirky and eccentric and tiny. So tiny that I'm constantly blocked by people in the front. Stupid big heads. =.= HAHAHAHAHAH. I want to go back to Yunnan! It's cold. The kids are adorable. I like speaking in Chinese there. Then maybe my Chinese will improve. Due to the really strict high school PE standards I will finally lose all the stupid fat and be... FINALLY IN SHAPE. I like the food. I like the people. The streets look good for photo opportunities. Okay never mind I'm not good at taking photos. But I like it there. And it's so simple. And the people are nice. And the people are friendly. Maybe it's because I went as a tourist. Sigh. I don't really want to stay here but I don't really want to go anywhere. 'Prom''s coming up. 'Prom' is actually Founder's Day Dinner - compulsory for Sec 4s. Most people are treating it as prom and getting pretty dresses. I was discussing it with Winnie yesterday. She wants to design her own dress. We were looking through Sarah Dahlberg's McQueen mag. She likes this white dress with two straps, but both on one shoulder, and a floaty slightly... ripped-effect skirt. The only things I liked were from the men's section. Then I realised I was fat and ugly and short and not tall and slim and hot like the models. So it wouldn't work on me. I'd love to go in slacks and a blazer. But I don't have them. And I think that my mother would never let me go in that. She'd force me into a dress. But I hate dresses. And I hate being girly. I hate being a girl. There I said what's been on my mind ever since almost all of recent forever. I would love to be male. Guys just exude this sense of coolness. Girls are so helpless, so weak. So I-don't-know-how-to-say-it. Aiyah just take it that I hate being a girl. Major PMS. Girls are so complicated. I don't want to be one of them. Guys are more practical. And somehow most of them just turn out skinny. Maybe they move more. And they're also taller - 160 at least. I'm a freaking midget at 148. What's the use of reading all the books if no one's there to discuss them No sense of satisfaction Orget-fay it-way Uck-fay ife-lay Hahah Pig Latin. At this point... I realise that this is reading like a freaking sob story. Aiyah-way. Interpret-way it-way our-yay own-way ay-way. , 12:23
Well, well, well. 16/40 and 17/45 for A Math and Chem re-tests respectively.Missed it. By four marks and by six marks respectively. And I missed the photog trial. Or rather, I did the trial and didn't get in. I somehow feel as though I'm just forever missing the mark. Copied from Stong's comment on Nat's photo: "Ka Onn is good, but the ones we took in were exceptional." Ah well. I'm not exceptional in anything anyway. And how can I be exceptional in studying when it's, honestly, the last thing I want to do? I know there are only a few more months til O's, but seriously, eternity is relative. And even another day like this is like infinite eternity to me. An honest drudge and chore. According to Jerrold, everything is studying. According to me, I say living is studying. But the definition of studying here applies to specifically SCHOOL kinda studying. It's not what I want to do, for one. Because I can't see how all this info will actually help me if I want to have charity as a career. It's not as though I'm going to use Linear Law and Trig and stuff. Except for the practical math money stuff in E Math. Nothing else! Honestly, I'd love to quit debate. But Photog was the only other thing that I wanted to join - make that attempt to join - and then again I didn't make it. Apparently Christie says I have the concept, but they're not seeing enough of the concept in the set of seven photos. Well it was Variation and you gave me half an hour. What did you expect, honestly? I gave you a table partly covered with fashion magazines and partly covered with school books (fashion mags vs studying), a shot of two tables messy and around three clear (messy and clear, obviously), a walkway next to the amphitheatre (contrast between dry and wet 'cos it was raining), a colourful dustbin next to a white pillar and grey wall (variation between bright colour and drab colour), a table of varied kinds of food - I don't remember anything else. Well too bad for me then. If you ain't got it, you ain't got it. And then when I asked Christie how I could possibly improve, she said it was through training - sure. Training I'm not gonna get. Forget it. Monday, January 10, 2011, 14:25
O LEVEL CHINESE A2!!Definitely using this in my R5... Saturday, January 1, 2011, 11:16
11 hours into the new year and I'm not feeling very new. Pun intended. Well, they say that the new year is a time to make a fresh start and forget about all old worries (ha!) but AH AIN'T TOO SURE 'BOUT THAT, YEAH? Well, what's piling in? Commitments to school. Mostly. And family. Homework's stacking up, the amount of stuff I don't know is crashing on, and again my grades are slipping all the way down to rock bottom. Well if it gets there it means the only way is up. Meanwhile I still have a long way to go. While I'm not the type to weep over a failing grade, it's rather disturbing that I don't because I'm used to it, and I don't particularly bother about that. How disturbing, the lack of emotion over a failing grade and the actual fact of getting used to it. Go ahead, commit me to Freud. And now onto family! My mother's obsessed with tennis, my father's just fine, I'm failing a couple of subjects and have no hope for the rest. My grandmother's hooked up to a respirator in her bed at home and we're just waiting for the end, my grandfather's got gout and his feet are swelling and I'm sure something else of his is going, everybody's bodies are failing slowly, and the new maid in my grandmother's home is just fine, just fine. Yes, yes, everything's just fine. Absolutely normal. And meanwhile I've been selected to be on the temporary list of St. Luke's concert comm. The school organises a fundraising concert for SL's Hospital and practically the whole level applied to be on the comm. Because we all need leadership points. But I applied for another reason too. While I don't plan to go into geriatric care/nursing, the fact that every Sunday I see my grandmother wheezing away at the respirator makes me think that we've been taking care of her very well. She's got her own respirator, a live-in maid who takes care of her well, a family who rushes her to hospital if she gets too bogged down with phlegm. Her immune system's next to nothing but yet she survived pneumonia and other things countless times. So the question is, we're caring for her so well, but are other folks being cared for as well too? So perhaps being on the comm will make me feel like I'm more actively doing something for other folks. Charity's one of the only things that actually seems to be worthwhile now. The other being taekwondo. I mean, come on, I put in effort, I see it. Unlike studying. But whatever, I have to get back to chemistry homework. |
Unfortunately, About
has moved on quite a bit and does not blog anymore thank you for dropping by bold italics underline Wishes For...
World peace To be less fat To write better To play the piano better To lose weight... To be able to sing well To be able to play more instruments To do better in studying... Wanted Books
1. Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 2. Pinball, 1973 by Murakami 3. A Wild Sheep Chase by Murakami 4. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End Of The World by Murakami 6. Dance Dance Dance by Murakami 7. South of the Border, West of the Sun by Murakami 8. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Murakami 9. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami 13.The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami 14. after the quake by Murakami 15. 1Q84 by Murakami 16. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult 17. A Conspiracy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 18.Jack by a.m.homes 19. The End Of Alice by a.m.homes 20. In A Country of Mothers by a.m.homes 21. Music For Torching by a.m.homes 22. this book will save your life by a.m.homes 23. The Safety of Objects by a.m.homes 24. Things You Should Know by a.m.homes 25. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb 27. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis 28. The Rules of Attraction by Ellis 29. American Psycho by Ellis 31. Glamorama by Ellis 32. Lunar Park by Ellis 33. Imperial Bedrooms by Ellis 34. Rashomon by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa 35. Tokyo Sketches by Pete Hamill 36. Out by Natsuo Kirino 37. Real World by Natsuo Kirino 39. What Remains by Natsuo Kirino 40 - 56. the rest of Kirino's books which haven't been translated 57. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong (in alphabetical order) 58. A Walking Tour of the Shambles by Neil Gaiman 59. Adventures in the Dream Trade by Gaiman 60. American Gods by Gaiman 61. Anansi Boys by Gaiman 62. Angels and Visitations by Gaiman 63. Coraline by Gaiman 64. Day of the Dead by Gaiman 65. Don't Panic by Gaiman 66. Fragile Things by Gaiman 67. Good Omens by Gaiman 68. Interworld by Gaiman 69. Mirrormask by Gaiman 70. Neverwhere by Gaiman 71. Now We Are Sick by Gaiman 72. Smoke and Mirrors by Gaiman 73. Stardust by Gaiman 74. The Absolute Death by Gaiman 75. The Sandman: Book of Dreams by Gaiman 76. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen 77. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger 78. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton 80. The Cross Gardener by Jason F. Wright 81. A History of Love by Nicole Krauss 82. At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill 83. The Road by Cormac McCarthy 84. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 85. The Colossus and Other Poems by Plath 86. Ariel by Plath 87. Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices by Plath 88. Crossing the Water by Plath 89. Winter Trees by Plath 90. The Collected Poems by Plath 91. Selected Poems by Plath 92. Plath: Poems 93. Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 by Plath 94. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose, and Diary Excerpts 95. The Journals of Sylvia Plath 96. The Magic Mirror, Plath's Smith College senior thesis 97. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil 98. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 99. An Artist of the Floating World by Ishiguro 101. The Unconsoled by Ishiguro 102. When We Were Orphans by Ishiguro 104. Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong 105. Anything and everything by James Baldwin There are more. Time does not allow for me to put them up. ...
I believe that every human is inherently good. Therefore every human should be treated equally. I will henceforth try to treat everyone without bias. Everyone should be free to believe in what they want. If feelings rule our emotions, then why let hate do so? I think that all the chaos in our world results from All the unresolved tension, mistrust and hate we store. I think love is the solution. So don't tell me that you think love is wrong. As long as it's well meaning, and doesn't harm I advocate it. So for that reason I think gay love is right too. I think another source of hate Is misunderstandings and stereotypes. I find it hard to see past people's appearances sometimes. But it doesn't mean that I don't try. I think that if we let go of all All, of our past misconceptions and labels We could finally try to live together, All as members of one human race. Doorways Without Doors
HannahHilarie Lydia Mirabel Siow Ching Stephanie Xuan Rake up the Past
June 2008July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 Credits
Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |